
Showing posts from February, 2025

ramble (Diane)

  His every thought grounds me The non-participator The one part of nothing but who sees all In the past, its illuminator His whole being devoted to his task That no one else does The lone investigator of a world That without his probe would collapse But someone will need it Like I need his discipline To reign me in For I'm a silly actor of the time Like all others I interact with are, absent morality Playing with their power Coming up to breathe air when they can; He always is Born into such place as he was meant to be in Where the air ever circulates But there's no one else there. I fling far high and low, Reading angel signs in numbers When I'm alone, too, Forget him, then his every thought I know will correct me Like a cane or a word A gaze so uncompromising It never loses itself And never indulges another For it has to be Someone has to be Or else the realm would collapse A door behind us would close And we would be blind And cut off f...

Gilmore Girls Fanfic (Alternate Ending)

   Time moves backwards, and the end is known from the beginning. *** In a Gilmore Girls alternate universe, Lorelai and Chris are together. They've stayed together, and are raising their only child, Rory, a precocious, starry-eyed, well-intentioned teenager living in the same small New England town, brilliant at school if she applied herself. Very rich, she feels the effects of a peculiar isolation and, having effortlessly mastered the studies required of her, immerses herself in unorthodox ones. Still liberal by vice of being a product of her time as we all are, but perhaps in a less dogmatically centrist way, Rory was early on raised a Christian by her grandparents but has now branched into other systems of belief, finding the doctrines of the church unsatisfactory to explain the world as it unfolds around her. She has a thought, and it soon materializes. The townsfolk are animated by her moves, and seem to slowly spin around her as if pulled in by the gravity of her na...