Zodiac houses and numbers interpretation

I'm not an astrologer and in casual horoscope lookup the meanings of the 12 houses had always seemed arbitrary to me until recently when I went back and looked up the meanings again. I had some thoughts which are certainly not unique or revelatory but to me personally; nevertheless I'm writing them down for the sake of phrasing them as I thought them. What occurred to me was a pattern between the houses and the meanings of the numbers that govern them, in reality. That is, the numbers have apparent fixed meanings we can see in our manifest existence, particularly 1-6 (or even only 1-3).

I think of the astrological houses now rather as the movement of energy, with houses being nodes or stoppers, or rather the planetary bodies being stoppers that get in the way of the free movement of energy as the laws of Creation flow down like a waterfall (not unlike the stopping points of musical notes). These stoppers, this system, then acts as a latticework or governing framework over our lives, as apparently everything we can experience fits into one of these twelve houses.


Houses 1-6 deal with the personal realm, with the self alone. 7-12 are analogous repeats of 1-6 but focused on the 'other', the beyond-self (interpersonal self?).

1 - The self. one - the ego, unmanifest, undivided, self-identity. the core. I am that I am.

2 - The self as being-in-the-world, the self embodied, the self and its personal resources. They commonly say house 2 is about money but I don't like this because it implies that money is a cosmic entity. I think of it more as personal resources, abilities, energy level, maybe circumstances of birth, ease or difficulty of simply being in the world. 2 is also antagonistic, oppositional, second principle, 'falling'.

3 - The number of manifestation ('3rd time's the charm'; 'the power of 3'). At 2 you are embodied and at 3 you begin to act in the world. Thus, the house of communication and self-expression.

4 - The number of stability. Stability, rhythm (and authority) in this world. 4 walls, 4 beats in music (or dividing by quarters), 4 suits. The house of home and family life.

5 - The number of magic. The extra energy left after stability, the overflow, or the unstable gap between stability and organization (6). Called the house of creativity, also romance, risk, drama - all this reads to me as the surplus of energy for life. We also all know the use of 5 in magic as well as the link between creativity and magic.

6 - The number of organization, the environment, nature organizing itself, life organizing itself. I probably don't need to mention hexagons occurring in nature. (3 twice: manifestation reflects and collapses? But there is energy of the original spark to keep going yet and this goes into the outer, beyond the self?). What falls under the realm of this house never really satisfied me as it's diet, work/labor, mundane ordinary life. But I guess it makes sense that food would fall here. At the end of the personal arc you must regenerate yourself, replenish - by consuming another. To me this house is the environment, the world.

Aside - 666: manifestation + environment; control over the environment/nature.

7 - The self of the other. The house of partnership, marriage, relationships that are self + other.

8 - Some say what's governed here is a collection of disparate things (sex, taxes, death, legacies) but they're not if you think about it being the resources of the other, and you (the self) interacting with them. The resources of you + the resources of the other. The self and other as beings-in-the-world and the unique, maybe fathomless world between them. It makes sense if your close-held 'stuff' is to be transformed it's here?

9 - Philosophy. Manifestation of manifestation? 3x3. Worldview. I read somewhere 'abstract mind' and that makes sense to me.

10 - The public house, public enterprise, politics. War? Formation of society? The stability that comes after worldview?

11 - Parties, community magic/communal life, social life, the excess energy that becomes social life.

12 - The cosmic environment, the beyond, the unknown. They will say 'collective unconscious' but this is not my favorite phrase.

Self(3) - World(6) - Worldview(9) - Beyond(12)

That's all I really want to say on this. I don't think knowledge of numbers should be used or abused. How much energy is left by the end (house 12)? Where does it go when it goes into the dark unknown? Most importantly, how is so much energy generated at the level of social gatherings (and lost, or multiplied, in the mingling of resources)? It feels to me to be almost more than a predictor of life a process repeated over and over, with obstacles along the way that may drain.


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