Quick thoughts on Saltburn
What I thought before I watched any analyses: I read multiple layers to this film, or rather, two parts of one layer. The first is dynamic, the actual plot of what happens, which seems obvious enough: a middle class striver plots his way into the upper class by destroying and taking the house and title of one such family, and, through patience and the laying of groundwork, he eventually succeeds... because, even after years have passed since he was exposed to them, he never takes his eyes off his singular goal. The major part of his achieving this is using sex to first dominate each family member on a subconscious level before killing them. And then there is the static part, which is the worldview the film it set upon. It becomes very easy to identify who everyone really is (according to the movie) at Ollie's birthday party. The Kattons and all of their invited friends are angels and fairies (elves, if you will) having fun and taking drugs at what looks like a fairy garden party. O...